How Does It Work?
1. Parent members access Parental Insight via the Internet.
2. Teachers capture and store in-class video clips of students exhibiting uncommon
3. Counselors view uncommon behavior clips with parent and child during a
round-robin session.
4. Communities and other interested parties participate by adopting a class, student or
How Counselors use Parental Insight
- Counselors* assess behavioral and learning concerns and offer solutions to depicted behaviors at an agreed upon time and place, in the company of parent and child.
- Parent** and child are called to view teacher captured video clips in the presence of Counselors* after three incidents have been sent to the parent within a 30 day period.
- Parent and child must agree and commit to a strategy, and or workable solution, to resolve teacher concerns at this round robin session between participants.***
- School officials can mandate expulsion until this round robin session produces a commitment to resolve depicted issues.
Parents and Counselors resolve issues
Our Philosophy
Parents raise your children in the way they should go,and when they are older they will not depart from these ways.
Counselors* work with parents to resolve issues that may result in uncommon behavior in a classroom setting.
*Certified Social Workers or social workers provided through the school **Person authorized to represent parent
pursuant to section 2 of the Parental Insight Membership Guidelines. *** Certified Social Worker, Social Worker
provided through the school, parent, guardian, Person authorized to represent parent pursuant to section 2 of the
Parental Insight Membership Guidelines.

How does Parental Insight fill in the cracks?
Call 1-866-486-9934 and consider discovering the following services:
- Sentinel (parent authorized real-time video monitoring of child)
- Authorized access of stored video clips by a Parental Insight Network professional Counselor, Personal Counselor, Special Needs Counselor, Legal, Tutor, Mental Health Physician, Pediatrics, Dental
- Administrator for Parent, Child, Teacher calendar coordination of events
- Concierge for forgotten lunch, replacement of clothes, Family food basket
- Sentinel on site for recording of events when parent is unavailable
- Security Sentinel to watch child until parent /guardian arrives. Sentinels record
real-time video of time watching child
WHO needs Parental Insight?
- Children who sometimes fall through the cracks of our learning system
- Parents who cannot make it to parent teacher conferences due to work or other scheduling issues
- Parents who need an alternative method of meeting with the teacher to supplement/substitute the parent teacher conference meeting
- Teachers who are unable to connect with a certain learner
- Professionals seeking to bring their expertise to bear on barriers to student
- Adults who need assistance with aging parents
- College students seeking experience for their career
- Volunteers for Inter-generational support for the aging
What can be done to minimize children falling through cracks?
- Parental Insight refers parents to stable resources within their existing school system. Counselors and tutors alike, collaborate with students in need of academic assistance.
When and where are children falling through the cracks?
- Every day in each and every classroom throughout the United States and Canada
Where can I get Parental Insight?
- Online, at, on your job
- Online, at, from your home
- Via your telephone or cell phone call 1-866-486-9934
Why Parental Insight?
- Adopting an incremental resourced approach to achieving academic success, acknowledges different teaching and learning styles must “gradually” find common ground.
How Parental Insight helps?
- Scheduling proper resources at the appropriate time produces results. It is that simple.
- Parental Insight uses a systematic approach methodology to academic success.
- By securing real-time feedback from each student and teacher before, during, and after an assignment, best practices for each child and teacher emerge.
- It’s like seed, time and harvest when growing a garden.
Parents seeking an alternative meeting method with teacher
Professionals volunteer your time
Parental Insight Brochure

Parental Insight a U. S. non-profit 501(c)3 Organization Copyright© All rights reserved 1996-2023
Parental Insight offers the following unique services: